Carlos G. Adorno
Carlos G. Adorno
Universidad Nacional de Asuncion, Facultad de Odontología
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Crack initiation on the apical root surface caused by three different nickel-titanium rotary files at different working lengths
CG Adorno, T Yoshioka, H Suda
Journal of endodontics 37 (4), 522-525, 2011
The effect of root preparation technique and instrumentation length on the development of apical root cracks
CG Adorno, T Yoshioka, H Suda
Journal of endodontics 35 (3), 389-392, 2009
The effect of endodontic procedures on apical crack initiation and propagation ex vivo
CG Adorno, T Yoshioka, P Jindan, C Kobayashi, H Suda
International endodontic journal 46 (8), 763-768, 2013
The effect of working length and root canal preparation technique on crack development in the apical root canal wall
CG Adorno, T Yoshioka, H Suda
International endodontic journal 43 (4), 321-327, 2010
Effects of 6 single-file systems on dentinal crack formation
E Pedullà, F Genovesi, S Rapisarda, GRM La Rosa, NM Grande, ...
Journal of endodontics 43 (3), 456-461, 2017
Periapical bone defects of root filled teeth with persistent lesions evaluated by cone‐beam computed tomography
T Yoshioka, I Kikuchi, CG Adorno, H Suda
International Endodontic Journal 44 (3), 245-252, 2011
Panoramic dental radiography image enhancement using multiscale mathematical morphology
JCM Román, VR Fretes, CG Adorno, RG Silva, JLV Noguera, ...
Sensors 21 (9), 3110, 2021
Incidence of accessory canals in Japanese anterior maxillary teeth following root canal filling ex vivo
CG Adorno, T Yoshioka, H Suda
International endodontic journal 43 (5), 370-376, 2010
Distance from file tip to the major apical foramen in relation to the numeric meter reading on the display of three different electronic apex locators
RA Higa, CG Adorno, AK Ebrahim, H Suda
International endodontic journal 42 (12), 1065-1070, 2009
Comparison of two negative pressure systems and syringe irrigation for root canal irrigation: an ex vivo study
CG Adorno, VR Fretes, CP Ortiz, R Mereles, V Sosa, MF Yubero, ...
International endodontic journal 49 (2), 174-183, 2016
Effect of nickel titanium file design on the root surface strain and apical microcracks
A Jamleh, CG Adorno, A Ebihara, H Suda
Australian Endodontic Journal 42 (1), 25-31, 2016
Irrigation effectiveness of continuous ultrasonic irrigation system: An ex vivo study
A Jamleh, H Suda, CG Adorno
Dental materials journal 37 (1), 1-5, 2018
A comparison between two negative pressure irrigation techniques in simulated immature tooth: an ex vivo study
A Jamleh, Y Fukumoto, Y Takatomo, C Kobayashi, H Suda, CG Adorno
Clinical oral investigations 20, 125-131, 2016
Evaluación de la filtración bacteriana en conductos radiculares sellados por tres diferentes técnicas de obturación
I Almeida, CG Adorno, J Djalma Pecora, M Pedomo, PH Pereira Ferrari
Endodoncia (Madr.), 127-134, 2010
Frecuencia de la posición, inclinación y grado de dificultad quirúrgica de terceros molares mandibulares en pacientes que acuden a la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad …
J Gamarra, C Diaz-Reissner, H Ocampos, CG Adorno, V Fretes
Memorias del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud 20 (1), 22-29, 2022
Influence of additional apical enlargement on microcrack formation in root dentine: a micro-computed tomography investigation
A Jamleh, M Nassar, A Alfadley, S Khan, K Alfouzan, C Adorno
Clinical Oral Investigations 25, 4137-4143, 2021
Comparison of the volume of root canal irrigant collected by 2 negative pressure needles at different flow rates of delivery
D Moreno, AJ Conde, G Lorono, CG Adorno, R Estevez, R Cisneros
Journal of endodontics 44 (5), 838-841, 2018
The influence of periapical lesions on the repeatability of two electronic apex locators in vivo
CG Adorno, SM Solaeche, IE Ferreira, A Pedrozo, PM Escobar, VR Fretes
Clinical Oral Investigations, 1-7, 2021
Depresión, ansiedad y estrés durante la pandemia COVID-19 en estudiantes de Odontología
N Pérez-Bejarano, J Gamarra-Insfrán, C Diaz-Reissner, CG Adorno, ...
Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia 34 (1), 6-13, 2022
Impact of endodontic and periodontal diseases and treatments on the aorta and liver of obese and non‐obese rats
CM Jara, KKY Pereira, FLDM Maito, CG Adorno, MS Gomes
International Endodontic Journal 54 (11), 2074-2085, 2021
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